This term, we are continuing to focus on Mussorgsky. There are two tasks set for 'At Home Learning'. These tasks have not been set on a week by week basis, allowing you to work through at your own pace. I look forward to seeing your final Music in Art piece. Have fun!!!
- Teacher: Sandi Bryant
During Applied maths we focus on both Problem Solving and Math Investigations. The aim being, for the students to take the skills they have developed through PACE work and apply it to a range of different problems and situations. The problems and investigations that students are given often have more than one answer. This allows them to find and use strategies they are confident with, as well as offering them the chance to challenge and extend themselves.
- Teacher: Sandi Bryant
During Applied maths we focus on both Problem Solving and Math Investigations. The aim being, for the students to take the skills they have developed through PACE work and apply it to a range of different problems and situations. The problems and investigations that students are given often have more than one answer. This allows them to find and use strategies they are confident with, as well as offering them the chance to challenge and extend themselves.
- Teacher: Sandi Bryant