This term we will be examining our local community of Albury/Wodonga. We will look at the history of our area and the impact that has had on our present and future. We will look at the geographical features of our area and how our community operates effectively because of it’s rules and laws and the community participation.
- Teacher: Debbie RODHAM
All announcements for Middle Primary will be found here.
- Teacher: Debbie RODHAM
During Applied Maths we focus on both Problem Solving and Maths Investigations. The aim being that the students take the skills they have developed through PACE work and apply them to a range of different problems and situations. Our problem solving activities often have more than one solution. This allows the students to use strategies that they are familiar with, as well as the ability to challenge and extend their own learning.
- Teacher: Sandi Bryant
Attached are some additional resources to help your child maintain their learning over the next few months when working at home. These include a suggested timetable, a link to EPIC where they can find books and readers to consolidate their reading skills, and a link to Essential Assessment where they can practise their maths skills at their own level.
- Teacher: Debbie RODHAM