God calls all people to be accountable for their actions. Unfortunately, no-one is inherently good and therefore we find ourselves concerned with the issue of our own behaviour and the behaviour of others. The Student Behaviour Management policy at Grace Christian College is based on having students learning to take responsibility for their own behaviour based a Biblical worldview that aims to assist the students in seeking wisdom with regard to decision-making, having a transparency of actions, pursuing Godly character and being accountable to those in positions of authority. The ultimate authority is God and it is to Him that they are ultimately accountable for their behaviour and the consequence of their behaviour.
› To aid in the provision of a safe and healthy learning environment for all students.
› To instill in the student an understanding of the moral absolutes of right and wrong and the relative consequences that accompany both forms of action.
› To ultimately develop within the life of the student an intrinsic desire to seek after that which is good.
In the application of the policy, the School aims to:
- Apply consistent and fair behaviour management strategies.
- Manage behaviour with love, kindness, and a genuine regard for the student.
- Treat every case on its merits through the application of Guideline 2.
- Include all parties in the discipline process: student, parents, counsellors, and school leadership.
- To give the student many opportunities to seek after positive accountability in their actions
- Engage in suspension and expulsion as a last resort, should all other avenues fail to correct the misbehaviour.
- Involve social agencies, law enforcement, and/or pastoral conferencing for extreme problems such as violations of civil law, etc.
- Corporal Punishment is NOT to be given in any circumstances.
Demerits and lunchtime detentions
Class teachers are to use the demerit and detention system for student behaviour infringements. This system is to be used with grace and plenty of fair and reasonable warning to the student. Continuing negative behaviours are to be discussed between the class teacher and the child’s parents. The teacher aide must consult with the class teacher on any demerits given to students. The class teacher must be aware of all reasons given for the implementation of student detention.
After school detentions
After School detentions are given to students who choose to maintain constant negative classroom behaviours and who have developed a history of frequent school lunchtime detentions. The After School detention may also be given should a student engage in a one off behaviour that warrants a greater sanction than the Demerit and Lunch Time detention. This is a Class Teacher decision. The Class Teacher may also consult the Deputy Principal or Principal on issues relating to After School detentions. The parents of the child must be notified at least 24 hours prior to the sitting of the After School detention as an act of courtesy with reference to their family weekly timetables.
Suspensions are given at the school when a student has failed repeatedly to respond positively to a lunchtime detention and/or after school detention sanctioning. Suspensions may be given immediately to a student whose dangerous or highly unacceptable one off behaviour requires sanctioning more serious than that of a detention. Suspensions are only approved after thorough discussion with the Class Teacher, Deputy Principal, and the Principal, and after careful consideration by the Principal. The duration of the suspension period is dependent upon the nature of the infringement and the frequency upon which the student infringement has occurred. Each suspension is judged on its own merit.
A student expulsion is the most extreme form of sanctioning within the school. It is a last resort and is only given after all other avenues of sanctioning have been exhausted. Expulsions are to be considered carefully by the Principal and the Deputy Principal in consultation with the necessary staff involved in the school life of the student concerned. It is ultimately the decision of the Principal to carry out such a sanction. A meeting with the student’s parents to inform them of the sanction is to be conducted by the Principal or by the Deputy Principal on the Principal’s behalf with the consent of the Principal should the Principal not be present at the School.
Support group meetings
Support Group Meetings are designed to help meet the welfare needs of a student who exhibits ongoing challenging behaviours or a student who has engaged in a serious offence. These meetings will include all or a selection of the following as the need requires: the student, the parents, the Class Teacher, the Deputy Principal (discipline co-ordinator), School Counsellor, external welfare personnel and the Principal. It is at these meetings that the future welfare needs of the student are discussed and decided upon. These meetings can occur at all levels throughout the GCC discipline model.
Corporal punishment
This Student Behaviour Policy expressly PROHIBITS the use of corporal punishment.
It is the role of the Principal and the staff in consultation with the parents to implement this policy.